Every day, Amazon welcomes many new sellers, making it harder for others to find unique products and stand out. It might seem tough at first, but once you find a special product that people want, you’re on the right track.

By focusing on one key product, you can make a lot of money each month. This success can then help you expand to selling different things and earning even more. One way to do this is through Amazon private label selling, where you use your own brand name.

However, it’s important to do some research before jumping in. Without checking out the competition and market demand, you might end up with a product that’s either too common or not in demand on Amazon.

So, what is an Amazon private label, and how to create a private label for Amazon? To help you start selling your own brand on Amazon, we at SageMailer have put together a simple guide.

What Is Amazon Private Label?

Amazon Private Label

Selling through a private label on Amazon involves a supplier or manufacturer creating a product you can brand and sell as your own. Typically, the supplier is willing to incorporate your branding into the product, leaving you to handle the selling side.

You can decide whether to just put your logo on the products or take it a step further by customizing features or colors with your brand. Adding your brand name to a product lets you increase the price and make a bigger profit. It’s a simple way to make the product uniquely yours and more appealing to customers.

What are the private label products?

There are a lot of private label products in almost every modern commerce industry. Items vary from e-cigarettes to terrariums and clothes. Such diversity means that with this method, every retailer can find new opportunities in their categories!

This strategy saves a lot of time and money. Thanks to private labeling, producers can avoid expensive marketing campaigns.

Honestly, it’s pretty hard to create your private label enterprise. There are many factors that retailers should regard when starting such a business. But if they manage to do things right, these retailers can multiply their gains. This method holds great potential. That’s why some vendors have already grown into the most famous and profitable retailers using it.

Do you think that private-label products are for small businesses only? Or that all you need to start is to find a reliable producer and trendy type of goods? The truth is more complicated. There is much more than that. We would like to share the details with you!

What Are the White Label Products?

The term “white label” applies to one company’s unmarked products and their use by another one under its brand. There is a considerable difference in white label vs. private label key features. Private-label products are distributed only by one seller. However, the white label allows several brands and sellers to vend the items.

The product line produced only for one seller is private labeling, while types of products operated by more than one retailer are white labeling. Think of it this way, and it will make things much more straightforward.

How to Private Label on Amazon?

Building a successful Amazon private label business involves careful planning and execution. Here’s a guide highlighting key steps and nuances of Amazon FBA private label step-by-step:

  • Do a product research

    • List Desired Categories: Identify potential product categories and note down ideas for selling Amazon FBA private labels.
    • Analyze Sales and Demand: Focus on products that sell well by researching customer demand. Avoid oversaturated categories with intense competition.
    • Parameters to Consider: Look for private label products to sell on Amazon with a price range of $30 to $70, at least 300 monthly sales, a low rating (4 stars or fewer), top 10 products with fewer than 500 reviews, and a listing quality score (LQS) of 5 to 7.
  • Find a reliable manufacturer

    • Compare Manufacturers: Contact multiple manufacturers to compare conditions. Consider the balance between price and quality.
    • Negotiate Terms: Focus on manufacturers who answer questions, show flexibility, and create a comfortable negotiation environment.
    • Establish Connection: Arrange a short production tour over the phone to understand the manufacturing conditions.
    • Discuss Packaging and Branding: Collaborate on packaging and branding options with the manufacturer.
  • Request product samples

    • Examine Quality: Request product samples to evaluate quality and design. Although it may not be free, it helps avoid potential issues and bad reviews in the future.
  • Focus on branding

    • Invest in Graphic Design: Hire a graphic designer to create a logo and establish brand colors, fonts, and elements for packaging and listing.
    • Maintain a Single Style: Ensure a consistent visual style across all products to strengthen your brand’s identity.
    • Reflect Identity and Attract Consumers: Your branding should reflect your company’s identity, values, and message while attracting consumers’ attention and evoking positive emotions.
    • Test in a Focus Group: Test different branding options in a focus group to gather feedback and ensure alignment with your target audience.

How to Start a Private Label on Amazon? 

In the dynamic world of Amazon sales, each step—from crafting a compelling listing to choosing the right fulfillment model and launching strategically—contributes to the overall success of your private label products. Here’s what you need to know to start a private label on Amazon.

Creating an Amazon listing

Crafting a compelling Amazon listing is foundational to your private-label product’s success. A concise headline, an informative description, and captivating imagery play pivotal roles in capturing the attention of potential customers. Remember to incorporate relevant keywords, maintain readability, and leverage competitor research.

Setting a competitive price

Understanding market dynamics and pricing your private-label product optimally are critical steps. Dive into supply and demand dynamics to identify the ideal pricing sweet spot between $15 and $50. Tailor your pricing strategy to align with your specific product category and competitive landscape for sustained profitability.

Choosing a fulfillment model

Before venturing into Amazon sales, the choice between Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) significantly impacts your operations. FBA offers convenience, handling logistics, customer service, and more, while FBM grants you complete control. Consider your preferences and business model when making this pivotal decision.

Initiating product launch

A successful product launch on Amazon involves an effective advertising strategy. Beyond just creating an appealing listing, extend your reach through ads on social networks. Maximize the impact of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) formats like Sponsored Product Ads, Sponsored Brand Ads, and Sponsored Display Ads to boost visibility and drive sales.

Monitoring and optimization

Regularly monitor your sales, customer feedback, and product reviews. Use analytics tools to assess the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Finally, adapt to market trends and continuously improve your products and listings depending on customer feedback.

How to Sell Private Label on Amazon?

Selling private label products requires a mix of market understanding, product customization, and effective promotion. Now that you know how to start a private label on Amazon, below are some extra tips for a successful business.

Start with a Single Product

Begin with a focused approach by launching one product. This allows you to streamline operations and gain insights into the market.

Learn from Competitors

Analyze successful competitors in your niche. Understand their strategies, customer interactions, and product offerings to inform your own approach.

Invest in Quality

Prioritize the quality of your products. High-quality items lead to satisfied customers, positive reviews, and increased brand credibility.

Utilize Fulfillment Services

Consider leveraging Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) services for efficient order fulfillment. This allows you to focus on business growth while Amazon handles logistics.

Build a Brand Identity

Develop a unique brand identity that resonates with your target audience. This includes creating a memorable logo, designing cohesive packaging, and establishing a brand story.

Engage with Customers

Actively engage with your audience through social media, respond to customer reviews, and participate in online communities related to your niche.

Diversify Over Time

As your business grows, consider diversifying your product range. Introduce complementary products or variations to expand your offerings.

Benefits of Selling AMZ Private-Label Products on Amazon

Private label items have many benefits on the platform, including:

  • Growing credibility. You may capitalize on in-demand goods by selling items under a private label while contributing to your business’s credibility. 
  • Better profit margin. White-label merchandise is generally less expensive, allowing sellers to reach higher margins.
  • More exposure. AMZ prefers private-label items and will expose such sellers in the marketplace more.
  • Customization option. You may stand out from the competition by customizing your goods depending on the client’s demands and needs.

How to Apply Private Labeling Properly

Private labeling is a perfect method for increasing your earnings. If you want to benefit from it to its fullest extent, read our tips on this subject’s most crucial points.

1. Have patience and stay calm

Many retailers avoid investing in private labeling strategies because they are too time-consuming. That may be true. The Amazon private label brand setup needs much more time than just retailing products.

Even though the initial registration won’t take that much time, new sellers’ product research may last for months. Many of them abandon their search for high-demand, low-supply products because they lack endurance.

Still, it would be best if you stayed calm. Money will not fall from the skies, and it’s not always easy to earn them. But remember that those who have great patience and passion are rewarded for their investments.

Of course, you should use your knowledge and skills to speed up the process. Then, you will reap the benefits and may even grow into the most popular brand on the platform.

2. Collect funds for private label setup

Besides two previous factors needed for private labeling, cash is undoubtedly among the most crucial ones. It can play a role of a safety cushion and allows you to make your label profitable much sooner.

Sometimes, retailers make mistakes, and they need to solve them by spending more money. Also, the product type you’ve selected for your Amazon private label may have a high buying cost. These are the most widespread cases when you need more financial resources.

Some retailers seek individual sponsors and investors. They attend seller conferences and events and use them as perfect networking opportunities. There, you can find sponsorship or pick a new private label manufacturer.

3. Consider the current demand

Amazon has an always-growing competition and even more customers (many are Prime members). Today, it seems much harder to keep up with the marketplace’s actual trends. The ability to analyze the demand and find the best products can bring you loads of cash.

Before investing all your savings into some idea, you should ensure it will be a success. Amazon provides a perfect way to do so. Amazon offers a wide range of advertising instruments. They allow you to collect data and process it to make better retailing decisions.

For example, test runs are the most popular method of finding firm ground. Retailers launch a marketing campaign for an item to see how much demand and interest it has in a targeted audience. This method has already proved its effectiveness, and you should pay attention to it!

4. Optimize your pricing on Amazon

Now, it takes a bit more work to run your business on AMZ than it used to. Due to ongoing supply chain issues, harsh competition, demand changes, and low stock availability. 

Optimizing your pricing by understanding the demand and competition will give you a chance to stand out from the crowd and increase your profit.

5. Manage your spending

The last aspect requires a lot of skill and professionalism. It’s better not to invest everything you have in one single idea. You need to analyze your Amazon brand’s performance and redirect funds and spending to more promising areas.

For instance, if you see a decline in one item type’s projected sales, it may be reasonable to invest more in another one. A retailer’s life is a constant stream. You can’t just relax and watch your sales grow. You should improvise and adapt your spending to current needs. Only then will you be able to overcome any money-related problems on Amazon.

6. Generate reviews

When customers are considering buying a private label product, they often look for social proof that the product is of good quality and meets their needs. Positive customer reviews can establish trust and credibility for the product as well as differentiate your item from others in the same category, creating a competitive advantage.

SageMailer feedback management service can help automate email campaigns that request customers to leave reviews on purchased private label products. It can generate more feedback and improve the social proof of the goods. 

So you can:

Sign up for SageMailer’s free 30-day trial and benefit from software that can make your customer experience and sales soar.

Tips for Choosing a Product

The first thing you should consider is ongoing trends in the market. Understanding them can help you to nit-pick the product category that may become profitable. Also, try to avoid selling item groups with a high number of prominent retailers.

For instance, the best scenario is to find a product with:

  • high demand, low competition products;
  • low sales rank and few reviews;
  • low listing quality;
  • lots of keywords with high traffic.

Remember that to grow your sales. Your prices must be buyer-friendly. It’s better to start with something from $15 to $25 in the retail price. Your profit margin should be around 35% before advertising and about 25% after deducting ad costs. Also, we advise you to consider the item’s measurements (weight, height, etc.). It will allow you to spend less money on transportation and Amazon fees.

Maths and economic skills can be particularly handy. If you want your item-market analysis and purchase projections to be more precise, you’ll have to work with a massive amount of data and figures. They will allow you to find new ways of enhancing your strategy. But if you are not strong at either math or economics, consider hiring a specialist in these spheres.

If you have any trouble searching for a new niche or product, we have an excellent tip for you! To make your product analysis swift and easy, use Amazon research tools. With their help, you’ll be able to find new retailing opportunities, study competitors’ strategies, and more.


That’s all about selling private-label goods on Amazon.

Private labeling has great potential for boosting your sales and popularity on the Amazon platform and social media. Be patient and find products with high demand and low competition. With enough investments of both time and money, you can achieve stunning success.

You should constantly improve your retailing methods and seek new ways of becoming a top-notch seller on Amazon. Follow our future posts to get new tips on this!