Dropshipping is an e-commerce technique that allows businesses to sell products over third-party dealers who then send the orders to the customers. With this new innovative idea, handling a stockpile of full inventory and paying storage costs is now a thing of the past.

In this article, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to learn about this feature.

In the ever-changing landscape of e-commerce, astute entrepreneurs are always on the lookout to maximize profits while minimizing logistical challenges. One model that has gained significant popularity is dropshipping, particularly the niche of Amazon to eBay dropshipping. This guide aims to equip small business owners and e-commerce sellers with a comprehensive understanding of Amazon to eBay dropshipping and practical strategies for establishing and running a successful operation.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store does not keep the products it sells in inventory. Instead, when a store sells a product, it buys the item from a third party—usually a wholesaler or manufacturer—and ships it directly to the customer. Consequently, the seller never handles the product.

Benefits of Dropshipping

  • Low Overhead Costs: Without the need to manage inventory or maintain storage facilities, overhead costs are significantly reduced.
  • Scalability: Dropshipping businesses can scale more easily than traditional retail businesses, as increasing sales volume doesn’t require more physical space or handling.
  • Flexibility: It offers incredible flexibility, allowing you to run your business from anywhere with an internet connection.

What is Amazon to eBay Dropshipping?

Amazon to eBay dropshipping involves listing products on eBay that are sourced from Amazon. When an item sells on eBay, you purchase it from Amazon and have it shipped directly to your eBay customer.

Key Differences from Traditional Dropshipping

  • Source Variety: Traditional dropshipping typically involves sourcing products from wholesalers or manufacturers. In Amazon to eBay dropshipping, Amazon serves as your primary supplier.
  • Order Fulfillment: You leverage Amazon’s robust logistics network to fulfill orders, which can be faster and more reliable than dealing with individual suppliers.
  • Pricing and Competition: The pricing structure and competition dynamics differ, as you’re competing with other eBay sellers who also source from Amazon.

This guide is designed to help you navigate the intricacies of Amazon to eBay dropshipping, ensuring your e-commerce venture is poised for success.

Setting Up for Amazon to eBay Dropshipping

Embarking on an Amazon to eBay dropshipping venture demands meticulous planning and strategic setup to ensure seamless operations and maximize profitability. This section guides you through the essential steps to launch your dropshipping business successfully. From creating accounts on both platforms to setting up product listings and managing orders, we cover everything you need. By following these steps, you’ll be well-prepared to kickstart a successful Amazon to eBay dropshipping operation and adeptly navigate any challenges along the way.

Essential Accounts and Tools

To begin with Amazon to eBay dropshipping, you’ll need several crucial accounts and tools:

  • Amazon Seller Account: While not mandatory, having a seller account offers benefits such as faster shipping options and enhanced customer service.
  • eBay Seller Account: Ensure your eBay seller account is fully set up and verified.
  • Dropshipping Software: Leverage software solutions like auto-responders and review trackers to automate and streamline your operations. These tools help you manage feedback, grow product reviews, and safeguard your reputation.

Product Research and Selection

  • Identify High-Demand Products: Use tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 to discover high-demand, low-competition products on Amazon.
  • Analyze Competitors: Examine what similar sellers are offering on eBay and identify market gaps you can fill.
  • Evaluate Profit Margins: Assess Amazon’s prices, eBay fees, and shipping costs to ensure your selected products provide sufficient profit margins.

Knowing all legal duties before using any service online is considered necessary. This ensures that both the buyer and seller are effectively safe. Generally, Amazon to eBay dropshipping passed this test but with a few points to note:

  • Do it legitimately. Make sure to read the lists of prohibited items and check if dropshipping is acceptable. You don’t want to sell anything illegal anyway.
  • Product pricing change. Moral pricing issues arise every time the cost of the same product is significantly different between Amazon and eBay. Given the present online platform, you can have a higher chance of getting negative reviews.
  • Competitor’s response. Product review along with customer experience is indeed a serious thing in e-commerce. However, vendors tend to forget that other sellers are also part of this balance. Whenever they feel cheated by way of unfair pricing, there’s undesirable reaction around the market. Avoid getting a bad name by becoming conscious of the industry – their response is also another valuable feedback.
  • Both eBay and Amazon carry separate legal limits. Both platforms own independent and unique rules. For example, in countries like Israel, sellers found that their accounts are restricted from dropshipping through Amazon. As the vendor, it’s also your role to be informed on each of the companies’ dropshipping policies and territories.

4 tips on how to succeed in dropshipping

Dropshipping from Amazon to eBay takes the same manner as sourcing products on a regular day. Carefully plan on the next guidelines for successful dropshipping between sites:

  1. Look for a niche market that clearly participates in low competition but partakes excellently in high demand. Run through each possible product with these criteria: there ought to be only a few legitimate sellers, moderately high sales standings, plus a notable amount of reviews – whether good or bad.
  2. Aim at items that can possibly be resold at better prices if sold to other markets. Imported goods or customized products are just a few examples. Clearly, there are additional costs in dropshipping, hence you need to ensure that your selling point is covered. Reselling the items at a higher rate is highlighted further in the next sections.
  3. Check the condition of the product. Remember, you’re still aiming for positive customer feedback. Regardless if you think you could gain just a little margin, a steady income is still far better than no income. If buyers notice that your goods are always in amazing condition, they will keep coming back to you as loyal customers.
  4. Know if it can be rebranded to add more appeal to your target buyers. This applies to items that are sold with generic packaging. To be able to stand out from the rest, rebranding is an extra way to approach when dropshipping with Amazon to eBay.

Avoid the following mistakes while creating new listings:

  • Poor photo quality. Product pictures are important to customer’s decision making. Customers have tendencies to skip listings that have poor photos. Avoid making this mistake. Good and professional images are something you can capitalize on.
  • Incomplete keywords and descriptions. This is common to sellers who carelessly copy competitor’s product descriptions. Increasing competitive advantage with your dropship also means making profit through dedicating time to improve keywords and implying strong item descriptions.
  • Typographical errors. Sometimes, sellers abbreviate words for the sake of fitting the title or don’t even bother editing it. Incidentally, this psychologically affects buyer decisions. As one of your sales-making aspects, make sure you create an inviting title for your product.

Here’s how you can build your product shortlist for Amazon dropshipping:

1. Begin by searching on eBay. Look for items on the trending page; this provides you with a summary of possible ideas. You may additionally search through the categories in the list and hint on products having plenty of active bids.

2. Create a long list that includes the product’s price. Take 10% off each price to act as a safety cushion for you – this will cover the expenses you’ll incur whenever dropshipping.

3. Go to Amazon and search for the same products on your list while knowing the aforementioned things to note on product listings. Develop the shortlist from the evaluation made.

4. On your shortlist, start comparing the prices between eBay and Amazon. As the business owner, use the information to define your cost and profit margins.

Listing Products on eBay

Once you’ve identified your products and suppliers, the next step is to list them on eBay—a crucial move for attracting potential buyers and boosting your sales. Here are some best practices for creating effective listings and pricing strategies:

Creating Effective Listings

  • High-Quality Images: Utilize high-quality images from Amazon or take your own if possible. Clear, detailed images can significantly influence a buyer’s decision. Ensure you include multiple angles and close-ups to thoroughly showcase the product.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Craft clear, concise, and compelling product descriptions that emphasize key features and benefits. Include specifications, dimensions, materials, and usage instructions to provide buyers with all the necessary information.
  • SEO Optimization: Integrate relevant keywords into your titles and descriptions to improve search visibility on eBay. Research popular search terms related to your product and incorporate them naturally to enhance your listing’s ranking.

Pricing Strategies

  • Competitive Pricing: Set your prices competitively while ensuring you cover all costs and make a profit. Compare similar items on eBay to gauge the market rate and establish a price that offers value while remaining profitable.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Consider using dynamic pricing tools to adjust your prices based on market demand and competition. These tools can automatically update your prices to stay competitive, helping you maximize sales and profitability. This strategy enables you to quickly react to market changes and maintain an edge over competitors.

How to market your listings properly

It’s important to make your listings as professional as possible. It’s not only a tool to increase sales, but it also adds value to your business. Branding your products consciously may be a boring process, but the effect is certainly worthwhile.

Improve your products’ photos by using copyright-free images on Google. Look for good quality photos, preferably with white background dominance for a cleaner look. Better yet, resort to taking a picture of your own if needed. Incorporate product angles while highlighting good features. Lastly, itemize variations carefully.

Also, make your eBay entry live. Whenever buying items on Amazon, request that it be marked as a gift so that an eBay buyer won’t see the price.


Using Amazon to dropship on eBay will work if you take an effort in exploring and following the guidelines. It also demands hard work at marketing your listings. Hopefully, with the tips we’ve given above, you can finally get into dropshipping with Amazon and eBay.

What is Amazon to eBay dropshipping?

What is Amazon to eBay dropshipping?
How do I choose products to dropship from Amazon to eBay?

How do I choose products to dropship from Amazon to eBay?
How do I handle returns and customer service issues in dropshipping?

How do I handle returns and customer service issues in dropshipping?
Is Amazon to eBay dropshipping legal and allowed by both platforms?

Is Amazon to eBay dropshipping legal and allowed by both platforms?