Ready to put your Amazon reviews on autopilot?Amazon’s sales exceeded  $100 billion in 2020. With the Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP), sellers can reach more leads and boost Amazon advertising revenue. In this article, we will tell what AAP is, and how your business can benefit from it.

If you want to stand the biggest chance of selling products on Amazon, then you need to become acquainted with the Amazon advertising system. Here, we are going to take a look at the various advertising opportunities offered by the company, as well as give you a few brief ideas that should make it easier for you to determine AAP Amazon how to use and which advertising option is right for you.

Amazon Advertising Console

3 Platforms of Advertise with Amazon

There is no single Amazon advertising platform. Instead, there are three of them. It means that if you are starting to learn more about Amazon’s marketing services, it can be a little bit confusing. After all, you do not know which option will be the right one for you. Thankfully, once you start comparing the various solutions from Amazon, you will quickly realize which one will benefit your business the most.

Remember that in recent years, Amazon has started to shake up the way they do advertising, including even merch by Amazon advertising. They likely realized that having just one Amazon advertising platform would be the best solution for them in the long term. So, expect to see many changes on the advertising front later. While they will all likely remain separate products, they will likely be controlled through the same dashboard at one point. It will make it simpler for advertisers and will probably be much better for Amazon’s bottom line!

Let’s take a look at the various Amazon Advertising Platform options. Hopefully, this information will give you a better idea of the best solution for your business goals.

What Are Programmatic Ads?

Before we talk about Amazon advertising options, we want to point out that all solutions offered by Amazon are programmatic ads. What does this mean? Well, it means that your ads will be targeted toward the people that are most likely to become your customers. Programmatic ads are essential because it allows you to find the segment of the market your product is targeted to. In addition, it means you are not spending money showing ads to people who have no care for your product. As a result, programmatic ads will help you get the most bang from your marketing budget.

Of course, Amazon isn’t going to go into depth on how they create their ads and target them. However, it is likely to be based on past shopping history on Amazon, search results, and bits and pieces of information on their profile. If you are using AAP, then Amazon will likely bring that information into the mix and get a little idea of the types of party sites a person visits. Although the marketplace does it, they will always ensure that your Amazon product ads are delivered to the right people. It is in their best interest to do that, after all. They want to make money from your product sales too.

AMG Marketing– Amazon Media Group

What’s an AMG? Let’s define AMG. It stands for “Amazon Media Group,” which, in theory, keeps a close eye on everything related to advertising through Amazon. Amazon Marketing Group helps to purchase Amazon ad space on various sites online and create new ad products and algorithms to ensure that ads are served up in the best possible way. Amazon AMG wants to ensure that the people who advertise with them get the biggest bang for their buck.

If you are a small business, you are probably not going to need to worry about AMG advertising all that much. While their algorithms and ad development will impact you at some point, it isn’t anything you can control all that much.

If you are a business with a larger monthly advertising budget, you can work directly with AMG media marketing. They can help you take full control of your Amazon ads campaign if you work with them. It means that you do not need to learn how to advertise on Amazon simply because real experts will do all the work for you. However, remember that working directly with Amazon will be incredibly expensive, so it isn’t a good idea if you are new to Amazon advertising. It is reserved for some of the biggest companies in the world. Nevertheless, it is a great way to run your campaign if you can afford it.

AAP – Amazon Advertising Platform

Let’s define AAP. It stands for the Amazon Advertising Platform. It covers all ads delivered out of Amazon on sites owned by Amazon. Think of it as similar to ads on your favorite websites. AAP produces similar ads, and AMG works incredibly hard to ensure that your ads are seen in as many places as possible.

When you use AAP, you can choose the exact audience you want to target with your Amazon DS ads. Amazon has collected a lot of data here. Perhaps the best part about AAP is that you can do retargeting. It is something that very few platforms allow. It means that if a customer was looking at a product of yours, or similar to yours, and left Amazon, they would then start to see ads in various places online reminding them that the product exists and they should come back and buy it.

It is worth noting that AAP doesn’t focus so much on individual products. It can, but most people using AAP will use it to build their brand. They know that people viewing ads delivered by AAP are unlikely to purchase products anytime soon, but the ads say, “Hey, I still exist. Don’t forget about me!” You are trying to encourage people to get into your marketing funnel so they can buy from you.

AAP is fantastic for building brand awareness but doesn’t deliver as many sales as an advertising console. At least not directly. As a result, Amazon charges per view (CPM) of your ad. It is unlikely shoppers will click on it, so you will be paying per 1,000 views of your ad. As a result, you will need a fairly hefty marketing budget if you want to use AAP.

Advertising Console

Advertising Console is a PPC option (pay per click, which means you only pay when somebody clicks your ad). If you have browsed through Amazon for any time, you will notice various sponsored products ad appear. These ads are created through the Amazon advertising console. The ads will be targeted via keywords. You have multiple options available to you here for your advertising. However, it will all boil down to sponsored product listings and product detail pages.

For most small businesses, advertising console Amazon is the way to go. It is an affordable way to get your products viewed by people already on the Amazon landing page and in a “buying mood.” While targeting doesn’t go beyond keywords, this is all you really need when advertising on the site. After all, it is just a quick way to get your products viewed without going to the massive lengths of product page optimization (which you should be doing too).

Since you will buy ads on a PPC basis here, you will only ever pay when somebody clicks your ad. Since you know somebody is in the mood to buy something similar to your products already, assuming you have a good product page (i.e., description), it should be pretty easy to recoup your advertising fees. Advertising Console Amazon is probably the best PPC network for selling Amazon products.

Which Advertising Platform Is Better?

Honestly, no one platform is better than the other. You can exclude AMG if you do not have a massive marketing budget, as you will not be able to work with them directly. However, the other two have their own merits.

If you are new to selling on Amazon and are simply looking into how to advertise on Amazon and want to generate a few sales as quickly as possible, then an advertising console is the way to go. It is effortless to convert sales here since the potential customer will already be at the point of the sales funnel where they want to buy. You just need to push them over the edge. As a result, Advertising Console will always be the best solution for those new to online business.

As you build up your brand, you can start looking into AAP. It is a bit more complicated than running a PPC campaign, but it will allow you to pull potential customers into the sales funnel a little earlier. Most of the ads delivered via AAP are more to tell people that Amazon and its products exist. You may get a few clicks, but do not expect people to be in a buying mood. You are just priming them for the eventual purchase. This option provides you with many more targeting opportunities than Advertising Console, but if you aren’t quite sure what to do with ads like this, then it will not be the right solution for you. You will probably spend more than you earn.

Ad Console vs. AAP: Marketing Funnel

These are very different advertising options the marketplace offers, and each platform has its distinct advantages depending on the customer phase you’re targeting in your marketing funnel.

It means depending on where your client is in the funnel, there will be moments when campaigns of another type will be more efficient for targeting precision:

  • Ad Console ads are very useful for lower funnel sales conversion, where the client is already at the purchase stage—browsing AMZ search results or on AMZ product pages.
  • AAP provides ad goods across the whole marketing funnel and is particularly suitable for top-of-funnel targeting, where you first must create attention to products and brands. AAP’s extended ad coverage across the whole funnel makes this platform particularly interesting for goods that have a longer purchasing journey, typically seen with more expensive items.

Benefits of Amazon Console for Your Business on Amazon

Amazon’s ad console helps you create targeted campaigns to get new clients, increase brand awareness, and more. The perks of using AMZ Advertising Console include the following:

  • Targeting potential clients based on their demographics, behaviors, and interests.
  • Creating advertisements that are highly relevant to your target audience.
  • Tracking performance metrics to check which ads are working best.
  • Allowing you to modify the content of your ads easily.

Benefits of AAP for Your Business on Amazon

There are many advantages to using the Amazon Advertising Platform for your business. Let’s have a look at the most important ones below!

1. Keep in touch with your customers.

AAP helps seller central to connect with shoppers and make relevant leads. With this program, you can customize your Amazon digital advertising message to shoppers depending on their level of engagement. For instance, you can build different communications with people who are just getting aware of your products and those who are already familiar with your company and eager to purchase.

Analytics define four main stages in the process of purchase:

Awareness: Shoppers learn about an issue or a need for a particular product. They are noticing ads and products.

Consideration: People are looking at different options for goods.

Evaluation: Customers decide which goods best meet their needs or solve their issues.

Purchase: Leads are converting, and people are buying the product.

It is a so-called buying circle. People go through all these steps before making a purchase. With this in mind, AAP makes it possible to target shoppers at different stages in different ways and deliver the correct message across various platforms, devices, and sites. 

2. Communicate your key message through a number of platforms

When trying to get the necessary leads, reaching them in as many ways as possible is crucial. Amazon’s Advertising Platform helps sellers to expand their reach and receive leads across different websites.

3. Keep track of your campaign.

Sure thing, it’s important to monitor the advertising campaign results to identify if it is effective. AAP allows users to check the impact of their advertisements. In the respective reports, you can see if your ads are efficient and target the right shoppers. Besides, you will see how Amazon users interact with your advertisements and check the engagements and impressions. 


As you can see, there is an Amazon advertising option for everybody. If you are a new business, then we actively encourage you to get started with Advertising Console and work your way up from there. Whatever option you choose, you must advertise. It is the only way to gain quick sales in a painless manner.