One of the challenges of being an Amazon seller is learning the process of putting product listings on the search results on Amazon. An Amazon product has a better chance to get sold when it appears on the search results of the Amazon shoppers. As it is, Amazon is regularly changing its rules and process with regard to Amazon keywords optimization, and it is imperative for business owners to be updated all the time with regard to these constant changes.

Amazon Keywords Search and Optimization Techniques

Your product on Amazon will only appear in the search results if it contains all the search terms during the search queries of an Amazon customer. This is where Amazon keywords research and optimization comes in to help your product goes up in the rankings on Amazon.

On Amazon keyword search, a lot of Amazon sellers use different types of Amazon keyword tool such as Amazon Merchant Words which helps in generating a list of keywords related to the product. Furthermore, an Amazon keyword research tool can also generate long tail keywords which are related to the suggestions of the Amazon search box and the Amazon keyword search volume. The tools will help in increasing the product’s Amazon keyword ranking so that prospective Amazon buyers will find it easily. This Amazon keywords generator, however, is not free and you need to pay a few dollars for the service. If you have a tight budget, a free Amazon keyword tool found online is always a great help.

Another way to generate a set of keywords is to use the reverse ASIN lookup process using a keyword tool called keyword scout. For those not familiar with this tool, the ASIN is the set of numbers that is used to identify all products on Amazon. The process involves taking your competitor’s ASIN in their products and putting it in the keyword scout search bar. The tool will then generate all keywords relevant to your products which can be used in your marketing campaigns with Amazon PPC, Google Adwords, or other ads.

Keywords Optimization on Amazon Seller Central

When it comes to keywords optimization on Amazon, the process is completely different from other search engines. On Amazon, it is a must to list all relevant keywords and their related combinations, including relevant search phrases. Amazon’s Backend Search Fields, which is located in the Amazon Seller Central, can be used to enter keywords that are not part or are not included in the product’s title and description. The Backend Search Fields is also a perfect place to add keywords variation which is not deemed fit to the product title and description such as informal synonyms and common misspellings of some keywords.

If you feel confused by the search fields or other sections of an Amazon FBA Seller Central dashboard, get started by finding out how the Seller Central works and how to use it in the most effective way. 

Last August 2018, Amazon made another change in the character limitations of the Backend Search fields. From 250 characters, the user will have a limit of 249 characters that can be indexed by Amazon. Among the notable changes made is the inclusion of commas, spaces, and hyphens which will also be part of the character count. You need to take note that the changes happen all the time and Amazon sellers must be fully aware as these changes affect the product’s product ranking and search volume.

After coming up with the list of keywords from the keyword research tool, you need to prioritize and select the most relevant group of keywords that is related to your product. In the Backend Search Fields, Amazon will be treating the whole field as a coherent group of keywords, making the distance and location of the keywords immaterial. Therefore, it is not necessary to repeat a specific keyword or a set of keywords while focusing on entering unique keywords in the search field.

How to Save Characters in the Backend Search Field

The current changes in limiting the length of the keywords in the backend search fields and the inclusions of spaces, hyphens, and commas can be an issue to all Amazon sellers. There are some clever ways to address the issue and still come up with the best keyword optimization for your products. Check the information below:

  • Using hyphenated words will cover every possible combination of the words, including each of the individual words. This will help in avoiding the repetition of keywords. For example, using the word “anti-asthma” will cover everything, including “anti”, “asthma”, “anti-asthma”, “anti asthma”, and “antiasthma”.
  • There is no distinction between plural and singular keywords as these are treated the same in the Amazon search engine.
  • There is no difference between upper and lower case letters in the search fields.
  • Filler and stop words should also not be included as these words are being deleted in the search field.
  • Never use exclamation points in your keywords because by doing so, the product will only appear from the search results if the Amazon user put the same exact symbol on the search query.
  • Use only spaces in separating keywords and never use commas as it will only eat up your character limit in the search fields.

Also, you need to know that it is important to follow the restrictions in your Amazon Central account. When adding a new product listing, a warning will appear if you do not follow the right number of characters. The changes will only be saved once you follow the rules.

With these limitations and restrictions, it is now important for Amazon sellers to upgrade their knowledge in keyword research and even in Amazon SEO in general. After all, it is a fact that Amazon SEO is still new to the industry and only a few Amazon sellers are taking advantage of it to enhance their sales and profitability.

Amazon SEO and Google SEO: Their Similarities and Differences

For some reason, a lot of Amazon sellers are still not taking advantage of Amazon SEO in improving the sales performance of their products. Amazon SEO offers a great opportunity for Amazon sellers as more and more individuals are going to Amazon for product and consumer-related searches instead of Google. The Amazon brand has taken over as the top online sales destination and is even ahead of Google in this department.

A lot of Amazon sellers are still not familiar with Amazon SEO and this can be attributed to the lack of knowledge and familiarity with the topic. Amazon SEO is still in its early stages and the system is still underdeveloped. The opportunity to improve the sales and performance of your Amazon products using SEO will be inevitable in the future.

The list below is the similarities of Amazon SEO and Google SEO which you need to know:

  • Both are search engines that focus on the same objective of getting a high rank on relevant keywords. The better the ranking, the higher the sales will be.
  • The two have similar types of search results, paid and organic. In Google, it will show the top 10 organic results and a number of paid results on the page. On Amazon, it will show about 16 organic search results and about 2 paid results.
  • While Google Optimization has been the common practice for a lot of years, Amazon SEO also provides the same optimization process even at an early stage. The ranking of both platforms can be optimized.
  • The SEO algorithm of both platforms still remains to be unknown. Even with Google SEO’s long practice, the process and the calibration still remains a mystery until today. The same goes for Amazon which only means that there are a lot of opportunities for Amazon sellers to create the SEO process and knowledge to get ahead in the competition.
  • The success of achieving the highest possible ranking takes time, and this is the same in both platforms. The overall SEO process is a long-term journey with constant changes in rules and processes.

On the other hand, the differences between Amazon SEO and Google SEO are listed below:

  • Google SEO is an industry that has been practiced for a long time. In fact, Google has Google Analytics which gives SEO practitioners and even website owners statistics and data that can be analyzed and can be used in the optimization process. This is in contrast with Amazon which does not have a comprehensive reporting and analysis that can be used for SEO purposes.
  • In Google SEO, on-page optimizations have no limit with regard to designing and optimizing the website for Google search. On Amazon, SEO options are regulated with a pre-defined and limited number of fields, a limited number of characters, and even limited prescribed options.
  • Google is a universal search engine with different objectives compared to Amazon where it is more of a search engine for E-commerce related products.

Final Thoughts

The challenge of learning keyword optimizations as an Amazon seller will always be there. Learning and familiarizing the process of keyword research and optimization is a difficult journey but once familiarized, the return of investment will be worthwhile.

Boost Your Sales Even More by Getting Product Reviews

Right keyword optimization and Amazon SEO will boost your rankings and drive new visitors to your listings. Use the Amazon reviews generator to increase the percentage of those who will buy your product by enhancing the number of product reviews. With SageMailer, you can do this on full autopilot, you’ll need just 5 minutes to set up a campaign.