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Sometimes, it’s really the small details that make the cut. In Amazon, these small details are very important even if you don’t notice them. In fact, one of the things that usually go unnoticed is the tiny dark blue badge on the side of your seller page that says “Amazon’s Choice”.
In case you’re wondering, that badge has been around ever since 2015, but only a few people really noticed it. Today, this badge has a very different meaning than it did a few years ago.
So what does Amazon’s choice mean anyway? We’ll find out the answer to that question as well as discuss how to get Amazon choice badge in this article.
What Does Amazon’s Choice Mean?
The first two questions you’d ask yourself are, “what is Amazon’s Choice badge” and “what does Amazons Choice mean?” To know that, you need to understand what it was during 2015 and how it evolved over time.
Back in that year, it was a simple label that helped push products that were sold from Amazon Echo. At that time, Amazon had to find a way to make ordering via Amazon Echo’s voice search option easier.
Therefore, what they did is that they put Amazon’s Choice labels on voice searchable products. That way, people can narrow down their searches to their best option.
Nowadays, Amazon’s Choice badges have evolved to something more than just a simple label to streamline the voice searchable products. The badge is now a rating label. The sellers that are awarded this badge are selling high-rated and well-priced products that can be shipped right away.
In other words, those who have the badge are some of the best-sellers in the platform. The beauty of this badge is that it is now available even for the non-voice searchable items as well as the voice searchable items. So if you do happen to be an Amazon seller that has received a badge, then you’re awarded a high rating by the company.

How to Get Amazon Choice Badge?
If you are an Amazon seller, this is surely one of the statuses that you’ll aspire to get. So how to get Amazon Choice badge anyway? Is there some secret formula that allows you to get it right away?
The thing about the Choice badge is that there is no clear formula on how to get it. Obviously, Amazon has its own algorithm for selecting Amazon Choice badge holders, but they’re not going to reveal it to the public. With that, you’re going to have to work hard to get that badge.
You may also be curious as to whether a robot or a human picks the Amazon Choice badge wearers. In an interview with Buzzfeed, Amazon did state that there are both robots and humans involved in the entire process. They did not say anything about the badge other than that.
However, we do know some of the things that work if you want to get the badge. Amazon did give a few tips on how to get the badge. We also did a trial on how to get it. These tips are based on what Amazon said on the abovementioned interview plus on our experience as Amazon sellers.
We also took note of the experiences of some other sellers who have received the badge in Amazon Echo. Here are the things you need to take note of:
- Make sure that you get high product ratings. As a general rule, Amazon favors those who observe quality when they sell their products. That said, if you bring up your customer rating, you’re sure to get a nice badge.
- Maintain a low return rate. If your products always get returned, Amazon does take it against you. More often than not, high-quality products don’t get returned often. Therefore, if you maintain quality control, chances are you’ll have a low return rate. This will mean that you have a good chance of getting your badge.
- Use good keywords for your product posts. Take note that the origin of the Amazon’s Choice badge depended on keywords. This won’t change even though the badge now applies to non-voice products. You need to add keywords that are relevant to your product and focus on transparency.
- Ensure that you have reasonable prices. Since Amazon is a very customer-centric platform, they want their customers to get the best products at the lowest prices. That’s why they’ll only reward sellers who have very competitive prices. Just make sure that you observe your competitors from time to time to know if your prices are up to date.
- Get good reviews from customers. The more positive reviews you receive, the higher your product ratings will be. Since product reviews are related to your product ratings, this is a very important factor to consider when aiming to get a badge.
- Make sure you’re Amazon Prime eligible. As a member of Amazon Prime, you’ll have the odds in your favor. Why? Because Amazon Prime ensures that you have products available to ship right away. If you have fast shipping, Amazon will favor you and will consider giving you a badge.
As long as you fulfill all of these things, then you could be recommended as a seller with top choice items. How long do you have to do this before you get the badge? That is actually the big mystery here.
Amazon is never going to reveal it’s formula because it won’t encourage consistency. Amazon wants to promote consistency in service, and that is why they randomly give incentives such as these to those who deserve them.
The only thing we can say is that you need to be consistent to get the badge. So just stick to the list of things to fulfill above and be patient.
How to Find Amazon’s Choice Products?
As a consumer, you might be wondering how to find Amazon’s Choice products. If you’re an ordinary consumer, you may want to look through the choices of recommended or similar products to see what you can buy. You might have a hard time if you’re looking for a specific product that you desire to be “Amazon’s Choice”. After all, there is no specific category for Amazon’s Choice products.
The closest thing that you can do is to search “Amazon’s Choice products in (enter product type)” and just look at the results that pop out. Most of the search results that you see there are all Amazon’s Choice products that you can check out.
What is Amazon’s Choice Badge, and Why Does It Matter?
Now that you understand what the badge is and how it works, why exactly does it matter if you have it or not? As a seller, one of the most important things to you will be exposure. By having yourself a badge like that, you’re getting a boost in marketing by the company itself. With the badge, you have a chance to really boost your sales because your customers will have a better impression of your products.
So does that mean that all the products with an Amazon’s Choice badge are high-quality ones that you’ll totally enjoy? Not necessarily. Whether there are products with the badge or not, there will always be a few stinkers that you may buy. After all, online buying tends to be hit-or-miss.
With that in mind, does the badge really matter or not? Amazon stated that the badge just represents their own choice of products and is not an indicator that a product should be bought. Amazon says that “customers can always ask for specific brands or products if they choose.”
As you can see, that’s a pretty safe answer from the side of the company. If you were to ask us, we can say that the badge just offers small leverage for sellers to get more exposure to the product.
We don’t advise you to concentrate too much on the badge though. If you focus more on quality and overall experience, you’ll get a high rating from Amazon. Once you get a high rating from Amazon and fulfill all the requirements we mentioned above, you’ll get the badge naturally.
That said, just focus on quality so that you can sell all of your items. If the badge comes, then be happy. If it doesn’t, continue with quality selling anyway. After all, the reason why you’re in Amazon in the first place is to make money through online selling. As long as you observe good online selling best practices, everything will go your way.
Hope you learned something valuable today. Happy selling!